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As Rivals Falter, India’s Economy Is Surging Ahead – New York Times

As Rivals Falter, India’s Economy Is Surging Ahead – New York Times

New York Times As Rivals Falter, India's Economy Is Surging AheadNew York TimesWhether India's momentum is short-lived or sustainable hinges on whether Mr. Modi can push through deeper reforms, including…

Russia’s Economy: Good, Bad, And Everything In Between – Forbes

Russia's Economy: Good, Bad, And Everything In BetweenForbesRosstat, Russia's state statistics service, just released figures on January 2015 industrial production. They're worth taking a close look at because they are…

German Economy Improving at Faster Pace, Boosted by Weaker Euro – Wall Street Journal

German Economy Improving at Faster Pace, Boosted by Weaker Euro – Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal German Economy Improving at Faster Pace, Boosted by Weaker EuroWall Street JournalFRANKFURT—The German economy has moved out of its soft patch at a much faster pace than…

Japan’s economy emerges from recession, growth weaker than forecast – Reuters

Japan’s economy emerges from recession, growth weaker than forecast – Reuters

New York Times Japan's economy emerges from recession, growth weaker than forecastReutersTOKYO (Reuters) – Japan's economy rebounded from recession to grow an annualized 2.2 percent in the final quarter of…

Turkey’s economy is teetering on the edge – Al-Arabiya

Turkey’s economy is teetering on the edge – Al-Arabiya

Al-Arabiya Turkey's economy is teetering on the edgeAl-ArabiyaTurkey, which had been experiencing unprecedented economic growth since 2003, has started sending out ominous signals in the past year, with investor confidence…

The German economy – The Economist

The German economy – The Economist

The Economist The German economyThe EconomistFROM Washington to Athens, politicians and economists who often have little in common all agree that Germany under Chancellor Angela Merkel is largely wrong about…

Economic Woes Will Test Kiev, Even if Truce Holds – New York Times

Economic Woes Will Test Kiev, Even if Truce Holds – New York Times

New York Times Economic Woes Will Test Kiev, Even if Truce HoldsNew York TimesCritics complain that the proposed political and economic overhaul has been slow to get underway, and that…

Euro zone economy accelerates thanks to German ‘thunderbolt’ – Reuters

Euro zone economy accelerates thanks to German ‘thunderbolt’ – Reuters

Reuters Euro zone economy accelerates thanks to German 'thunderbolt'ReutersA preliminary estimate showed the economy of the 18 countries sharing the euro expanded by 0.3 percent between October and December compared…

The unbalanced global economy – The Economist

The unbalanced global economy – The Economist The unbalanced global economyThe EconomistA GLOBAL economy running on a single engine is better than one that needs jump leads. The American economy is motoring again, to the relief…

Who’s Afraid of the Rising Dollar? Not the Thriving U.S. Economy – Bloomberg

Who's Afraid of the Rising Dollar? Not the Thriving U.S. EconomyBloombergThe exchange rate poses an even smaller threat to U.S. economic growth, which wrapped up its best year since 2010.…

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